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SMCAK North America functions with a managing committee of 14 members from different parts of North America.


THE SMCAK North America (SMCAK NA):THE SMCAK North America (SMCAK NA) is the fraternity of all former SMCA Kuwait members who left Kuwait and migrated to the USA and Canada for permanent residence. The association was inaugurated by Bishop Joy Alapatt of the Diocese of Chicago, with a keynote speech by Bishop Jose Kalluvelil of the Diocese of Mississauga, Canada. Blessings were given by Bishop Emeritus Jacob Angadiath and the logo was launched by the then Bishop of the Shamshabad Diocese Mar Raphael Thattil, who is now the Major Archbishop. This event took place on June 26, 2021, via a Zoom meeting.

SMCAK North America functions with a managing committee of 14 members from different parts of North America.

Though SMCAK North America is an independent association, it works in harmony with SMCA Kuwait, under the guidance of the Major Archbishop and its Patron Bishops of Mississauga and Chicago, adhering its own by-laws. Since members are spread across different cities thousands of miles apart in these two countries, coming together physically is impossible. Therefore, they hold Zoom meetings for the members. The purpose of the fraternity is to build fellowship among the former SMCA Kuwait members and actively involve them in different parishes with their Kuwait experience.